Offcanvas Section

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    Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.. Matthew 6:28-29 Read More

    Lisianthus are among my favorite flowers to grow.
    I started many from seed in my basement.
    They bloomed all the way until mid-November!
    Read More
  • THAI Chili's

    These are easy to grow, and very strong producers.
    I planted 3 plants and dehydrated the peppers
    for use in chili and other dishes.
  • Fermenting Pickles

    I discovered fermenting in 2022 and prefer fermenting
    over canning. It is so easy to do, and healthier for you.
    Read More
  • My Favorite Lisianthus

    2024 I found my new favorite Lisianthus
    ADOM Picotee

My Garden in the Village of Wellington, Ohio

These are some of the Vegetables, Fruits, and Flowers I love to grow in my Garden, and around the yard. It is amazing how many varieties God has given us for our enjoyment. Most of the plants you see on this website were started in the basement, under grow lights.


    I tried an heirloom watermelon from Baker Creek and will be growing them forever. Crisp, and what a flavor! Tons of melons as well.
  • 2023 Garlic Harvest

    This was the first time I planted Garlic. I planted 2 varieties, Bogatyr, and Italian Red. I got the seed from BJ's Garlic Farm in Oberlin, Ohio

    I have been obsessed with Lisianthus Flowers. I just think they are so beautiful. I started these from seed in my basement. I grow more each year.

    I have been very successful growing the best corn I have ever had, year after year. My Secret? Rooster's Organic Chicken Poop!
  • 6 Foot by the 4th of July

    This picture is of me in my corn patch on July 3rd. So much for knee high by the 4th of July. Lots of sunshine and Rooster's Organic!
  • Calibrachoa's from Seed

    We do our own hanging baskets. This is Calibrachoa started in my basement from seed. Unfortunately, seeds are hard to find now.

Hummingbirds are Amazing!

One of the things I love the most about summer in Wellington, Ohio is the abundance of Hummingbirds. From May to September these amazing creatures keep us amazed at their flying ability. One of the most amazing creatures in GOD's Creation!

The Team Behind All This

  • Peter Stevenson

    Designer and CEO
  • Alicia Patrick

    Public Relations
  • Thomas Jones

  • Alt Tag 1

    Andrew Brown

    Support Manager
  • Maria Doe

  • Chris Adams

    Frontend Developer
  • Gordon Brown

    Support Hero
  • Anna Green

    Support Hero

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse adipiscing elit. Maecenas mauris orci, pellentesque at vestibulum quis, porttitor eget turpis. Morbi porta orci et augue sollicitudin cursus ut eget ligula. Etiam eu sapien at purus ultricies tempor. Suspendisse interdum, nibh vel vulputate tristique, massa tellus sodales mauris, ac molestie massa magna ultrices odio. Aliquam blandit mollis mauris at pharetra. Morbi libero enim, interdum sit amet interdum eget, imperdiet ut orci. Sed sit amet accumsan est. Morbi nunc turpis, vestibulum at tincidunt ac, semper nec justo. Vivamus quis placerat nisi. Vivamus mauris tortor, pellentesque a adipiscing sed, tempus vel enim.

Proin ante purus, malesuada vel consectetur eget, ullamcorper id sem. Sed lacinia, orci a rhoncus dignissim, risus metus accumsan nulla, sit amet tristique elit risus non arcu. Aenean vitae purus vel sapien vehicula porta. Donec tincidunt metus et lorem feugiat tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ac felis enim. Maecenas ut quam eget nunc semper ultricies at dignissim turpis. Donec lacus leo, accumsan a ornare ac, mattis scelerisque eros. Vivamus arcu arcu, pellentesque sit amet condimentum hendrerit, posuere ut nisi.

In semper magna sed magna consectetur interdum nec et tortor. Duis lobortis nunc quis metus iaculis consequat tincidunt eros accumsan. Morbi tempus lacus at massa semper luctus. Aliquam iaculis dictum lacinia. Proin dapibus est a dui pulvinar vehicula sit amet mollis felis. Donec auctor ante eget sem vulputate pharetra. Sed non mi enim, quis lacinia nisl. Mauris mollis hendrerit sem vitae commodo. Aenean blandit placerat lacus in mattis. Integer non lorem lacus, eu dapibus urna. In tempor mollis ipsum nec elementum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse adipiscing elit. Maecenas mauris orci, pellentesque at vestibulum quis, porttitor eget turpis. Morbi porta orci et augue sollicitudin cursus ut eget ligula. Etiam eu sapien at purus ultricies tempor. Suspendisse interdum, nibh vel vulputate tristique, massa tellus sodales mauris, ac molestie massa magna ultrices odio. Aliquam blandit mollis mauris at pharetra. Morbi libero enim, interdum sit amet interdum eget, imperdiet ut orci. Sed sit amet accumsan est. Morbi nunc turpis, vestibulum at tincidunt ac, semper nec justo. Vivamus quis placerat nisi. Vivamus mauris tortor, pellentesque a adipiscing sed, tempus vel enim.

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